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Projects & Plans

2018-2019 Drainage and Trail Project

Last Updated: May 2, 2019

Project Summary

To address drainage and trails in the community, the board has contracted to have multiple areas in the community to be improved.  Working with a certified community engineer a multiple project plan was developed.  The multiple projects are summarized below.  Click on the community map to see areas scheduled for improvements.  Projects are anticipated to be completed Summer of 2019.


Area A:  Vegetated stabilization of slope above swale

Area A2:  4' Asphalt Trail to recreation area/court

Area ADG:  Asphalt area to be removed, seeded and mulched

Area B:  Raise berm 8" at swale to trail culvert and raise stone berm

Area C:  Clean & Lower existing swale and sod

Area D:  25' Asphalt trail to tennis courts

Area E:  Stabilize channel wall to stop erosion; sod and pin

Area G:  Re-sod hillside and clean out swale behind 5316 Harbor Court Dr. and sod

Area G-1:  4' Trail between Heatherway and Harbor Court

Area H:  Backfill apron and provide shaping inside inlet; verify outfall to daylight

Area I:  Extend pump outfall from 5313 to county yard inlet

Area J:  Redefine & resod swale; clean grate inlets & pipes; raise berm beside #5324

Area K:  Add inlet; extend pump outfall; define swale; field modify

Area L:  Extend pump to existing inlet

Area M:  Install Grate Inlet and pipe system to tie into county storm drainage manhole next to 5223 St. Genevieve Place. Connect (4) sump pump discharges to system, regarde and provide max slope to new drains and grates. Sod areas distrubted

Area N:  Install grate inlet and 6" pipe system from curb low point to daylight at common area swale

2018 Contracts

Last Updated: October 25, 2018

Trash and Recycle

The board has renewed the community trash & recycling contract with American Disposal Services (ADS).  The new contract has been renewed at a reduced rate and now includes 64 gallon trash and recycle bins.  The new contract will begin in April 2019.  


Landscape Management

The board has selected LandCare USA as the new community landscaper.  


Snow Plowing Services

The board has selected NVM Contractors to perform snow plowing services.

2018 Dog Bag Dispensers

Last Updated: October 25, 2018

Project Overview:

Dog bag dispensers will be installed on the community trash cans.  In an effort to ensure pet owners cleanup after their pets, select community trash cans will be equipped with bag dispensers.  Installation to occur during November 2018.


2018 Asphalt & Concrete Restoration Project

Last Updated: September 4, 2018

Project Overview:

First phase/part includes asphalt and concrete restoration repairs on Cannes Court, Harbor Court Drive (East), Leeward Lane, and Pleasure Cove Court.  Second phase/part of the project involves routine crack filling and asphalt repairs on Admiralty Court, Chapel Cove Court, Dijohn Court Drive, Latour Court, Martinique Lane, and a section of Asphalt Trail (West).


Project Contract and Budget:

The Association has contracted Finley Asphalt & Sealing, Inc to complete this project. 


Project Schedule:

Concrete Work: September 4th through September 21th

Milling Work: October 2018

Paving/Striping: October 2018

2017 VDOT Crosswalk

Last Updated: July 2, 2017

Project Overview:

VDOT will install a crosswalk with no parking signs at the end of D'evereux Circle Drive connecting the trails together.


Project Contract and Budget:

This project is funded by VDOT.


Project Schedule:

Tentatively scheduled for September 2017.

2017 Spring Entrance Planting

Last Updated: May 30, 2017

Project Overview:

Tartan Village Community Association Landscape Committee is installing flowers and plants at the community entrance island and announcement board.   


Project Contract and Budget:

The landscape committee plans to complete this project first weekend in June 2017.


This project is funded out of the Operating account.


Project Schedule:

To occur the first weekend in June 2017.


Points of Contact:

Please contact the Landscape Committee if you have questions about this project.

2017 Butterfly Garden

Last Updated: May 30, 2017

Project Overview:

Tartan Village Community Association Landscape Committee installed flowers and plants to establish a butterfly garden at the end of D'evereux Circle Drive where the Community Trail access is located.  The newly established garden will attract and nurture the pollinating butterfly insects which are beneficial to the community green spaces. 


Project Contract and Budget:

The landscape committee completed this project.  The cost of this project was $409.


Funds for this project were paid from the Operating account.


Project Schedule:

This project was completed 05/21/2017


Points of Contact:

Please contact the Landscape Committee if you have questions about this project.

2017/2018 Property Fence Maintenance and Repair

Last Updated: July 27, 2018

Project Overview:

Tartan Village Community Association has an upcoming property fence maintenance and repair project scheduled to occur in the fall of 2017.  This will address the property fence along the trail that runs parallel to South Van Dorn Street which needs repair, pressure washing and sealing in order to maintain the life of the fence and avoid any major replacement costs in the future. Project has been delayed to 2018.


Project Contract and Budget:

The Association has contracted with Ridge Limited Company for $17,500.


Funds for this project will be paid from the Capital Replacement Reserve account.


Project Schedule:

Project is planned to occur Summer/Fall of 2018.


**Project will commence after the 2017 Trail and Drainage Project is complete and the area is accessible.  Anticipated to start in the fall of 2017.  Project has been delayed to 2018.


Points of Contact:

Kristine Caraway and Michelle Baquero of NRP management are the primary contacts during the duration of this project.  Please report any complaints to NRP management.


Please do not direct or instruct the contractors or engineering staff.  Contact 9-1-1 if there is a life-threatening situation.

2017 Tartan Village Trail and Drainage Improvement Project

Last Updated: May 3, 2017

Project Overview:

Tartan Village Community Association has an upcoming Phase II-Phase V drainage and trail replacement project consisting of the reconstruction of the trail system from Telegraph Road to D’Evereaux Circle.  This will provide a stabilized condition to help alleviate water ponding and soil erosion in the community and in the common area behind various townhomes.


Request for Proposal (RFP) Documents:


Project Contract and Budget:

The Association has contracted Ridge & Long Limited Company to complete this project. Brothers Paving will act as a subcontractor through Ridge & Long Limited Company to complete the asphalt portions of the project. The project contract amount is $131,275.75 which was signed on April 27, 2017.


The Association has contracted GJB Engineering to provide engineering and field oversight on this project. An engineering and field oversight budget of $5,000 was set aside for their services.


Funds for this project and engineering services will be paid from the Capital Replacement Reserve account.


Project Schedule:

Project is tentatively scheduled to begin on May 1, 2017 and end in July 20, 2017 (weather permitting).  The demolition of the entire trail will begin week of May 1, 2017.


Construction work will take place during these times:

Monday - Friday: 7:30am to 6:00pm

Saturdays: 8:00am - 5:00pm (Note: Saturday work is not typical unless delays in schedule warrant)


During this time please ensure that you and your guests/tenants avoid the areas that are under construction.


Project Timeline:

  • 5/1 – 5/19: Remove trail, grade, install culverts under trail, install drain with two yard boxes and outfall pipe with rip-rap and install 21-A stone for trail.

  • 5/22 – 5/26: Install asphalt on trail and grade seed and straw areas disturbed areas, install sign and split rail fence and asphalt on 4’ trail by tot lot.

  • 5/30 – 6/6: Install drain behind 5300 Harbor Court Drive and install sodded swale behind 5313 through 5301 Avalon Place.

  • 6/7 – 6/16: Remove asphalt from recreation area and dump on site and grade sodded diversion channel and install sod.

  • 6/17 – 6/23: Install sodded diversion swale behind 5306 Martinique Lane to 5314 Martinique Lane.

  • 6/26 – 6/30: Grade and install sodded swale behind 5314 through 5330 Admiralty Court.

  • 7/3 – 7/20: Finish any remaining work and complete punch list work.

  • 7/20 - 8/20: Inspection and Approval


Streets and Areas Affected:

Harbour Court, Martinique, Leeward Lane, St Genevieve, Cannes Court, Pleasure Cove, Chapel Cove, Admiralty Court, Heatherway Court, Devereux Circle Drive


Townhomes adjacent to construction work areas, i.e. work occurring a few feet from their property fence, will be notified by a notice on their door a day or more before work begins.


Points of Contact:

Kristine Caraway and Michelle Baquero of NRP management are the primary contacts during the duration of this project.  Please report any complaints to NRP management.


Please do not direct or instruct the contractors or engineering staff.  Contact 9-1-1 if there is a life-threatening situation.

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2017 Property Fence Maintenance
2017 Trail and Drainage Improvements
2017 Butterfly Garden
2017 Spring Entrance Planting
2017 VDOT Crosswalk
2018 Asphalt Restoration
2018 Dog Bag Dispensers
2018 Contracts
2018-2019 Drainage and Trail Projects
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