Hi there! I live near the tennis court and recently some of the pavement to the left of the court was buried (I think this was because of a policy that says that if the community creates new blacktop in one area it has to remove blacktop in another, but I am uncertain of this). I was wondering if it would be possible to fill in the newly cleared area with trees, and when the remainder of the blacktop is removed for some future project, to fill in that area with trees as well. If this is not possible, could someone tell me why? (For example is there policy that states that there must be X amount of open area near the common areas, etc?) Also can residents have any say in what types of trees are planted anywhere in the community?
The Board of Directors or its representative will monitor this site periodically to ascertain views of members of the community regarding association matters. However, if you have a community concerns that you think needs to be addressed more rapidly then please contact the Community Management. Although views expressed on this site and through emails will be considered, the Board will not necessarily respond by a posting or other communication.
Specific owner requests of the Board or management should not be made on this site, because this site is for general communication about community issues rather than specific requests. Instead, specific requests should be conveyed by contacting the Community Management or attending a Board of Directors meeting. Anyone posting on this site is responsible for the contents of the posting. Neither the Association nor its officers, directors or agents are responsible for anything posted on this site by others. The Board has the right to remove or alter anything from the site that is not a matter concerning the community Association. This can include personal attacks. Owners are requested to restrict comments to the merits of an issue concerning the community.
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Only use this forum to post things relevant to the Tartan Village Community
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The Tartan Village Board of Directors or its representatives may remove any content, in their sole discretion, deemed inappropriate or harmful to the Association or any individual.
Specific owner requests of the Board or management should not be made on this site, because this site is for general communication about community issues rather than specific requests. Instead, specific requests should be conveyed by contacting the Community Management or attending a Board of Directors meeting.
There is also a landscape committee which you can join if you are interested. Just email the community manager your questions and let them know your interest in joining the landscaping committee. Contact info. is found here. https://www.tartanvillage.com/contacts