Ilgiz Valitov: development of business international cooperation makes it possible to attract foreign investmenteffectively
One of the major investment projects with the direct involvement ofIlgiz Valitov – asuccessful Russian TOP Manager – wasprovided with profitable financing from Asian bankers. Here are more details about the construction and launch of a new, modern industrial facility – the Asia Cement plant in Penza region.
The plant became the leader of its industrial sector of the economy. A lot of work, a great work needs to be doneto achieve such a result. Sometimes a lot depends on the professionalism, experience, skill, and knowledge of one person. Experts associate the opening of a unique, modern production facility Asia Cement in Penza region six years ago with the direct participation of Ilgiz Valitov, who was the Head of the Directorate of natural resources and construction of Vnesheconombank that time. It was his competent, well-adjusted approach that allowed him to attract additional significant funds from foreign investors (more than $ 133 million) and to launch a giant industrial facility, which is confidently among the leaders in the construction industry in Russiatoday.
It should be noted the investment project in Penza region, implemented under the patronage of Ilgiz Valitov, is one of almost 200 such projects implemented by him as a Head of various divisions in leading Russian banks over the past ten years!
The Asia Cement plant (Penza region) that was launched in 2014is a leading industrial enterprise in Russia.Today, the company occupies a leading position in the market, producing almost 2 million tons of finished products, providing jobs for more than 500 employees.
It is enough to cite thefollowing fact: this July a historical record was set for the plant, it was the exceeding of indicators reached in May by15%. Over-fulfillment of the budget plan was 19.7%. This figure increased by almost 49.6% in in comparison to the same period last year. The company is out of restrictions without losses. According to the Asia Cementleaders, the company managed to achieve such indicators due to the efficient work of all departments, – from those who extract raw materials in the quarry to those who ship finished products, -due to constant production upgrade. This success is a confirmation of the stability of the company and the qualification of employees, of their desire for new work achievements. The team of the company Asia Cement has proved once againthat it can solve any tasks.
The key to successful operation of the company today is effective investments in the recent past. And here we need to return to the human factoragain. More precisely, we need to return to the work that was carried out at the initiative of Ilgiz Valitov, who had been heading the Directorate of natural resources and construction of Vnesheconombank for several years.
Ilgiz Valitov promoted and implemented the project to launch this modern, highly efficient Russian production. We would like to emphasize that environmentally efficient technologies for dry cement production were used in the construction process.
VEB, having acquired a 49% stake in Asia Cement, invested more than $ 86 million in the construction of the plant. We would like to emphasize that Eximbank of China invested another $ 133 million in Asia Cement at the initiative and through the mediation of Ilgiz Valitov! It should be emphasized – accordingto experts the cost of Chinese loans to Asia Cement was 50 percent cheaper than Russian ones. Of course, we are talking about effectively attracting foreign investment in Russian business by Vnesheconombank and Ilgiz Valitov personally.
Today the investments work for the result. It is enough just to quote some figures. Every day the plant ships more than 8 thousand tons of finished products, and the annual shipment figures are more than 15 thousand railcars and more than 33 thousand heavy trucks. The plant's products have repeatedly been included in the "100 best goods of Russia".The company implements a number of socially significant projects. It is a sponsor of a number of sports organizations, and conducts active charitywork… Today Asia Cement is systematically upgrading its production facilities and developing its production processes. Both in the recent past and now this approach allows seeing and creating prospects for future development.
For reference: when the project was implemented, Ilgiz Valitov emphasized the need of creating a highly efficient world-class production complex. Thisisexactly the kind of visionary forward-looking approach that has allowed the company to be competitive in the market today. Exactly the dry method of cement production is the most economical nowadays.
It should also be underlined the Asia Cement Plant is almost 100 percent automated. An automated process control system from Siemens is used there.
Asia Cement provides consistently high quality products through full and continuous monitoring at all stages of production – fromraw material extraction to shipment of goods by road and rail.
In addition Ilgiz Valitov attaches great importance to the environmental safety of production.
As before and now, the main environmental challenges remain the reduction of pollutantsemission into the atmosphere and rational use of natural resources. To solve these challenges, the plant has implemented a number of the best available technologies.
In particular: the dry method of cement production has low pollutants emission. During the construction of the plant, recycled water supply was immediately provided as the most economical and progressive method of water supply for production. This method allows you to use the same waterrepeatedly in technological processes. The polluted waste water is used again for industrial purposesafter cleaning. The firing process is alsocontrolled using an automatic emission control system. Modern high-efficiency electric and bag filters are installed at the technological units which are organized sources of dust emissions. They capture dust with up to 99% efficiency.
Both production and environmental tasks are fully implemented at the enterprise.
Ilgiz Valitov, working in the Directorate of Vnesheconombank and overseeing the natural resources base development and construction in the regions, carefully and competently calculated the prospects, profitability of production, infrastructure and market conditions, focusing on direct investment in the framework of international cooperation with the Chinese side. In particular, it was emphasized that Asia Cement is the first and currently the only plant in the Penza region for the production of cement. In addition, the proximity of the raw material base – theSursko-Maisskoye chalk and marl deposits – wastaken into consideration at the stage of selecting the location of the plant. Reserves of raw materials can ensure stable operation of the plant for 100 years or more. Experts noted the method of extraction is quite inexpensive – carbonaterock (chalk) is extracted here by direct excavation and delivered immediately to the plantby dump trucks.
On the part of Ilgiz Valitov, the attraction of Chinese investors was also calculated and worked out in detail. In fact, the plant was built on the basis ofChinese colleagues’experience, as China is a leader of the cement industry. The country produces 2 billion tons of cement annually;it is almost half of what is produced on the planet per year. Experts from China designed and participated in the plantconstruction in Penza region using advanced European and world design and technological solutions.
In this regard, it is enough to say that the plant reached its design capacity of almost 1.9 million tons of cementa year later (!), and now it is increasing its annual production volumes.
Ilgiz Valitov also calculated the issues related to plant equipment. In addition to Chinese equipment, automated and electronic systems of European production are widely used here. Promising investments allow talking about the further use of alternative fuels – sortedmunicipal solid waste, as it is done in a number of advanced countries.
It is obvious that almost none of the countries with a market economy is able to develop effectively without attracting foreign investments and technologiestoday. Concidering both Russian and international experience,foreign investments, including direct investment always helps to modernize the industrial baseas soon as possible and increase its production potential. At the same time, domestic technologies are also developing, adopting the best and most effective from their colleagues. Foreign companies and banking structures bring their own experience in organizing and equipping productionwhen they are investing money and technologies in the construction of industrial sites in Russia.
It was the development of international cooperation in attracting foreign investment by Vnesheconombank, with the direct organizational participation of Ilgiz Valitov, which eventually made it possible to implement a large-scaleproject for the Asia Cement plant commissioning in Penza region. A significant 50 percent reduction in the cost of investment with the attraction of capital from Eximbank of China helped the company to develop and to become one of the leaders in the Russianconstruction industry. The capital of the Chinese partners was used to pay forthe work of the General contractor and equipment supplier – aConsortium of the Chinese State company for the import and export of machinery. All the efforts of Ilgiz Valitov as Head of VnesheconombankDirectorate of natural resources and construction were aimed at implementing a variety of investment projects, most of which are as large-scale as the commissioning of the Asia Cement plant.
Foreign investments with competent decisions clear economic calculations, support, as well as the negotiation process, professional approach of Ilgiz Valitov, including those related to working with regional authorities; give a significant result, ensuring the growth of socio-economic development of individual regions and the country as a whole.
Ilgiz N. Valitov is one of the most successful managers, whose energy and knowledge contributed to the development of major enterprises and raised entire industries and agriculture of the country to a new level. Serious investments cameto those sectors of the economy where Valitov directed his creative efforts; tens of thousands of jobs appeared there.
Ilgiz N. Valitov is a real man of labor who is proficient in the modern high – tech tools and methods of work!