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Terms of Service

These Rules are intended to explain the obligations of Users of the Services, as to their conduct while using the Services. Failure of any User to comply with these Rules may be a breach of the may result in, among other things, the termination of any or all of the Services, the denial of access to one or more of the Services, the refusal to post or transmit, or the alteration or removal of material from a website or other area. The Rules are subject to change as provided in the Terms of Service.


Terms of Service.  Users shall comply with the Terms of Service posted on and for this website.


No Spam.  Users shall not upload, send or post unsolicited or unauthorized junk mail, "spam," advertising, promotions, chain letters, or any other form of solicitation, except postings on an association's web site.


Unlawful Use.  Users shall not upload, transmit or post any material, or engage in any other use of the Services, that violates any law, rule or regulation, infringes any other person's rights, including, without limitation, any intellectual property or privacy rights, or otherwise could impose civil or criminal liability. We reserve the right to notify any governmental entity, law enforcement authority, or any other party that we deem appropriate in our sole discretion, of any such activity. Uploading, posting or transmitting any content that infringes any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright, publicity or proprietary right of any person or entity will be grounds for immediate termination of the Services or other corrective action.


Defamatory or Abusive Material.  Users shall not send or post defamatory, obscene, profane, vulgar, threatening, offensive, abusive, inaccurate or illegal material. Users shall not "stalk" or harass another.


Destructive Acts.  Users shall not distribute any Internet viruses, trojan horses, time bombs, cancelbots, worms, or other programming routines or engage in other destructive activities that are designed to damage, interfere with, or intercept data or the operation of computers, networks or other equipment or systems. Users shall not access, or attempt to access, another person's or entity's accounts, web sites, networks, servers, equipment or systems without proper authorization to do so, or attempt to disrupt or interfere with the Services in any manner.


Use and Data Storage.  We may establish and change from time to time general practices and limits on the use of the Services, the amount of central processing unit (CPU) processing, bandwidth and disk usage, and levels of activity. We will use commercially reasonable efforts to give you notice of these practices and limits. Violation of these practices and limits will be considered a violation of these Rules.


Other Activities.  Users shall not engage in any other activity that we determine in our sole discretion may be harmful to other Users or the Services.

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